P’ENG is a high-end Chinese restaurant in Golden Beach, Oregon.

For this brand I created a logo, a website, corporate identity and a motion graphic.


P’ENG is named after the humongous bird in Chinese mythology that flies over vast bodies of water and shelters fishermen and men and women in boats from the rain and storms. We thought as did P’eng, our parents who always kept us warm and fed, like a mama bird, so the restaurant became P’eng. 


During the research of this project I wanted to find inspiration from time periods in China’s culture. Time periods like the Ming Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, Song, and Yuan. I became inspired most by the Tang Dynasty, and created the backdrop using paint and a roller. This was the type of artwork from the Tang Dynasty period.



One of the hard parts about this project was trying not to cultural appropriate. I am not a very cultured person and am very closeted from a lot of the world so It was really hard to know say if I went to a Chinese restaurant what was fusion and what was traditional Chinese food.

The technical aspect of the website however was the hardest part. I had never created a website from scratch before on WordPress. I got frustrated on the fact that there were some things you could toggle with the Elementor plugin that wouldn’t toggle WordPress and vice versa.


Something that a lot of people don’t know is that there are very strict guidelines on where you can print on an envelope and it still be excepted by the US postal system. It was hard to find a way to make it still P’ENG and still follow the guidelines of USPS. I really like the business cards even though I struggled to fit all of the required information on them.

If I were to change things in this video it would be to update the text transitions to something a little more refined. I would also like to do something more with the background since I have it set up for parallax effect.


Tongue Tied Tea Beverage Campaign


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