All kids and/or parents gave verbal consent to have their pictures taken.
I started Kid Pride for my children, so they…
“ I stay because I know there aren’t many booths for kids to express themselves through creativity. At Kid Pride we challenge ourselves to come up with fun ways to let kids of all ages (and that means adults too) find themselves coming back for more. It is really important to take a break from life, sit down and just occupy yourself with art for a half hour so so. “
Make a donation
As a family, my mom and I pay for art supplies when needed. Of course we have lots from the previous year, but we would like to bring something new to the table every year and sometimes those ideas are expensive. We would greatly appreciate it.
Click the button below, and it will send you to my business PayPal account. All proceeds will go directly to supporting Kid Pride.
Or you can buy something from our Amazon requests list.
Recent Expenses
Kid Pride Banner ($115) We have been using the same outdated cloth banner for almost 15 years. It was falling apart, and looking too rough. So we made a new and improved on, that you will now be able to see from 50 feet away.
Prisms & Beads ($45) Pride festival 2023 we were making prisms on strings that you can customize with beads. It was a HUGE hit, but prisms and really cool beads are expensive, and we want more for this year and years to come.
Extra Supplies ($25) Tablecloths, tape, scissors, paper cups, facepaint, and more.